Package mChaRM.mChaRMCollection

Interface Summary
RMPChannelInterface Interface for class RMPChannel
RMPReceiverStubInterface Interface for class RMPReceiverStub
validationChannelInterface The validationChannelInterface should be implemented to comunicate between channels.

Class Summary
normalChannel realizes a multi-channel of kind normal.
RMPChannel Realizes a multi-channel of kind RMP.
RMPReceiverStub Instances of this class are used as stubs of the multi-channel on the receiver site.
validationChannel The validationChannel realizes a multi-channel of kind validation.

The channel meta-behavior is based on the knolwledge of the receivers.
verboseChannel realizes a multi-channel of kind verbose.
verboseReceiverStub realizes the receiver stubs of a multi-channel of kind verbose.
verboseSenderStub realizes the sender stubs of a multi-channel of kind verbose.